Sun is looking seriously into the database market – namely PostgreSQL. It says Oracle and IBM and even Microsoft licensing fees are way too expensive for the average punter. This from John Loiacono, executive vice president of software: “We’re not going to OEM Microsoft but we are looking at PostgreSQL right now,” he said, adding that over time the database will become integrated into the operating system.
Dell began offering a new desktop Dimension E510n PC this week with no operating system installed. The machine is designed for people who want to run open-source software such as Linux instead of Windows. The PC comes with a blank hard drive and a copy of the FreeDOS operating system, which can be installed by customers.
In a move that harks back to the browser wars, Hewlett-Packard plans to ship Netscape’s Web browser on new consumer PCs and notebooks starting early next year.
The Google and Sun deal and rumors about Google Office.
A lot of marketing buzz lately, or some signs that the times really are changing?