Tag Archives: News

Monket web calendar

Today I stumbled into that Ajax based web calendar demo. Separate categories of calendar items, and separate user calendars? Probably the same object. Transparently combining multiple calendars? By design. Don’t try this with Outlook/Exchange, you just can’t (well, maybe you could with Evolution/Exchange, not sure tough.) Drag and drop support in a web app? Okay, now I’m really impressed.

A cold day in hell

A cold day in hell yesterday.
The released Sarge as Stable yesterday.
Apple announced they’re switching to Intel processors.

Now if only the pope wasn’t so damn stupid.

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Stateless Linux

The Stateless Linux project is an OS-wide initiative to ensure that Fedora computers can be set up as replaceable appliances, with no important local state. For example, a system administrator can set up a network of hundreds of desktop client machines as clones of a master system, and be sure that all of them are kept synchronised whenever he or she updates the master system. To give an idea of the low temperature factor of this project, one can say this is, amongst others, about the ability to throw a computer out the window and then be able to recreate its software, configuration, and user data bit-for-bit identically on a new piece of hardware.

Blogging at IBM

IBM is planning to introduce what could be the largest corporate blogging initiative so far, in a bid to encourage its 320,000 staff to become more active in online tech communities. While other companies are frantically trying to prevent their employees from maintaining blogs, IBM seems to have realized the potential benefit that thousands of in-house bloggers could bring to promoting its products and services.