Tag Archives: infrastructure as data

Some first design ideas for an Ansible Inventory 2.0

[update] next post in this series: Ansible Inventory 2.0 design rules In a my previous post “Current state of the Ansible inventory and how it might evolve” I explained some parts of the Ansible Inventory internals, and pointed out some features I would like to improve. Whilst this exercise might be interesting to Ansible and specifically its internal […]

Current state of the Ansible inventory and how it might evolve

[update] Follow up article: Some first design ideas for an Ansible Inventory 2.0 [update] Second follow-up post: Ansible Inventory 2.0 design rules This is an introductory post about the Inventory in Ansible where I’m looking at the current design and implementation, some of it internals, and where hope to yield some discussion and ideas on how it could […]