Tag Archives: F/LOSS

Transparent Communication Make Open Source Excel

Only yesterday I agreed with a colleague on how it is a bad thing to hide support pages to the public. Indeed, this is what Watchguard does. You can only reach their support pages if you have a login, validated through a support contract for their respective products. Even resellers don’t get special access, they […]

Proprietary Software on Fosdem

I recall 2 years ago when people criticised a speaker, for using Microsoft Windows on his laptop during his talk on Fosdem. Which is pretty much well understandable on a Free and Open Source forum. Altough. I did notice someone giving a talk about Jabber, using a Windows laptop, who left the dev room alive. […]

Linux and your family

Wonko blogged about his gf using Linux on some video project (dutch). It’s a kind of story one gets to read once in a while. It strikes me most people – fellow geeks may I say? – seem to get away with giving their family having no choice but using Linux/OSS. I get I need […]

Stop the Desktop candy, fix the Server first.

Interesting vision on desktop Linux by concentrating on trying to cement open source software’s place on the server-side of things. And no, that hasn’t happened. Want to know why people feel there should be a drop-in, totally compatible replacement for Exchange and people want desktop Linux to fit into an Active Directory network? There’s your […]

KDE 4 preview screenshots

I stumbled into these KDE 4 preview screenshots today. It’s not the first time I got to see something of this upcoming version, and again I must say I’m impressed. Looks like the KDE team makes a lot of work into integration, sanitizing looks, and simplifying the user experience. For the moment, I’m still a […]

Interessante discussies op bcol

Ligt het aan deze vakantieperiode, de Kerstsfeer, of de solden, ik weet het niet. Maar de laatste tijd zijn er veel boeiende discussies op bcol. We hadden reeds enkele leuke discussies, zoals eentje die degenereerde over usability. Een KDE tegenover Gnome, die voor een keer niet uitmonde in een typische flamewar mocht ook niet missen. […]

Is Gnome usability usable enough?

It seems, here again, something is missing. At least when I’m not trying to understand, which seems to be what it takes to understand Gnome. I think. I got this nagging pop-up when posting something on Usenet, by means of Pan. I really couldn’t notice any special character on line 1. I’m not sure which […]