Tag Archives: F/LOSS

One standard is better than two.

The reasons enterprises standardize is for interoperation with other systems. Not only does that interoperation equate to more seemless sharing of data, it’s what facilitates easy switching to a another solution should you become dissatisfied with your current solution.

Ubuntu On The Business Desktop

I work as a consultant in a Windows-centric work-place and we remotely administer Windows servers. We trouble-shoot Windows clients. We keep spammers out of our Exchange servers. We defrag. We update. We install antivirus programs. We eliminate spyware. I suppose it would be fair to say that Microsoft keeps us in business.

Debian Sarge rsync package updated

If you experience the same problem I did with the rsync and rsnapshot combo, I provide an updated package rsync_2.6.4-6.svg1_i386.deb which can be found amongst my downloads, together with all the source. I hope this package was built like it should. If you have extensive knowledge on Debian packaging, as a Debian Devekoper or not, I’d be glad to hear your feedback, as this stuff is quite new for me.

Monket web calendar

Today I stumbled into that Ajax based web calendar demo. Separate categories of calendar items, and separate user calendars? Probably the same object. Transparently combining multiple calendars? By design. Don’t try this with Outlook/Exchange, you just can’t (well, maybe you could with Evolution/Exchange, not sure tough.) Drag and drop support in a web app? Okay, now I’m really impressed.

Stateless Linux

The Stateless Linux project is an OS-wide initiative to ensure that Fedora computers can be set up as replaceable appliances, with no important local state. For example, a system administrator can set up a network of hundreds of desktop client machines as clones of a master system, and be sure that all of them are kept synchronised whenever he or she updates the master system. To give an idea of the low temperature factor of this project, one can say this is, amongst others, about the ability to throw a computer out the window and then be able to recreate its software, configuration, and user data bit-for-bit identically on a new piece of hardware.